By Lynn
October 23, 2022
There is nothing more lovely on an early October morning than to get up, put a jumper on over my PJ's, pull on my wellies and walk down into the mist of the meadows with the dog. I love when it is as still as can be and, as in the last few mornings, there has been a ground frost. Buddy and I explore the hedgerows- catching sight of a fox yesterday, and today I saw a Roe deer through in the woods that back onto our land. I pick an apple from the orchard to eat with my Aga cooked porridge, a favourite with our guests at the moment. Then it's back to the kitchen to get warm while Buddy munches on windfalls. We watch the mist rising, which may take half an hour or hang around until late morning, but as it fades away it leaves the amazing colour palette of Autumn leaves which are particularly beautiful in the far meadow where we have many specimen trees - the aptly named toffee apple tree and liquid amber being my favourites